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Mining the earth’s rich supply of gas, oil, and precious minerals is a key driver of world economies and is currently the energy and materials supply of life as we know it.


Maintaining supplies of critical resources needs to be balanced with an emphasis on the importance of a healthy, thriving environment. 


We assist you in showing the world that you place a high priority on protecting the land, air and water in your areas of operation.


In recent years, concerns about the sustainability and social responsibility of businesses have become an increasingly high profile issue in many countries and industries, none more so than the natural resource sector.​


If your proposal considers any degree of resource extraction, be it a precious metals mine, a LNG pipeline project, or an offshore oil drilling operation, it must fall within the parameters of Corporate Social Responsibility. This means that your project recognizes the needs of everyone; effective protection of the environment; prudent use of natural resources; and maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment.


We have spent years studying and developing programs that will give regulatory bodies, governments and concerned citizens the confidence to entrust your project with maintaining the highest degree of environmental stewardship.


We are world renowned with respect to zero discharge water programs,

methane and other byproduct gas capturing techniques and site reclamation.


Talk to our earth extraction experts 

© 2016 by Northwest Resource Management.

Suite 305 - 5811 Cooney Rd | Richmond, BC  V6X 3M1 | Tel: 604-207-2191


205 SE Spokane St | Portland, OR  97202 | Tel: 503-238-7447

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